Polymer Technology Group

Umberto Vietri

Umberto Vietri


PhD student


Lab. I1


Department of Industrial Engineering
University of Salerno
Via Ponte Don Melillo
I-84084 Fisciano


+39 089 96 4013




+39 089 96 4057






Research interests:

  • Monitoring and intelligent control of injection moulding process of thermoplastic materials
  • Effect of thermomechanical history on final structure of polymeric materials
  • Analysis of the injection moulding process of thermoplastic materials. Applications to technological advanced objects

Chem. Eng. Umberto Vietri was born in Avellino in 1973. In 1993 he took a diploma of industrial technical school (chemical expert). From 1994 to 1999 he was a bachelor degree student at University of Salerno, Department of Chemical Engineering. He took the first degree level in May 2000 defending a thesis entitled: Numerical methods for cylindrical coaxial rheometers. From 2000 to 2003 he was a masters degree student at University of Salerno, Department of Chemical Engineering. He has been graduated in Chemical Engineering at University of Salerno since September 2003, defending a thesis entitled: Rheological behavior of isotactic Polypropilene in quiescent solidification. He had some work experiences in research activities; from may 2004 to 2005 he has been held a Engineer position in research and development department of INCOS S.r.l 4,Via Piave S. Polo di Piave (TV) as a designer of mould for injection moulding machine by Solidworks software, and analist of mould filling by Moldflow and EFDLAB softwares. From 2006 to November 2007 he collaborated with Prof. Di Maio, working on charaterization of industrial and recyled thermoplastic materials. From November 2007 he has been attending a Ph.D in Chemical engineering at University of Salerno.

List of selected publications

Relazione tra reologia e cristallinità in un Polipropilene isotattico. G.Lamberti, U. Vietri, G Titomanlio, G.; in "Nuove frontiere di applicazione delle metodologie dell'ingegneria chimica" - Convegno Gricu Ischia (Italy) 12-15 Settembre 2004, vol.II p. 1087-1091

U. Vietri, L. Di Maio, S Montesano "Recycling of Post Consumer PET reinforced with calcium carbonate: thermal and mechanical properties" Proceedings of 24th Polymer Processing Society Annual Meeting, Salerno (Italy) 15-19 June 2008