Course of Transport Phenomena in Food Processes
Prof. Giuseppe Titomanlio - Prof. Francesco Marra - Ing. Felice De Santis
a.a. 2016/2017
Text book: "Transport Phenomena" Bird Byron R. - Stewart Warren E. - Lightfoot Edwin N.
General Overview
Download Course Materials
- BSL Appendix B, Newton's law of viscosity, The equation of continuity, The equation of motion in terms of stress, The equation of motion for a Newtonian fluid with constant density and viscosity
- Rheology Processing pp.35-37, Stress tensor, pressure
- Navier-Stokes equation, cap. 3 from "Boundary Layer Theory" H. Schlichting, pp.47-69
- Stokes force, Creeping flow around a sphere
- Boundary Layer from "Boundary Layer Theory"
- Schematic of Extrusion processing (pdf, 2574 KB), Flow in a slit with moving plate
- Lubrication approximation, cap. 13 from "Process Fluid Mechanics" Morton M. Denn (pdf, 508 KB)
- Rheometry and Rheology
- Rheology of suspensions
- Viscoelastic models da "Introduction to Polymer Viscoelasticity"
- "Viscoelasticity presentation"
- Conservation of Energy
- Analisys of Energy Equation
- Heat transfer in a fluid flowing through a tube
- Viscous heating evaluation
- Transient Heat Diffusion
- "Transient of Heat Conduction worksheet"
- "Mass balance presentation"
- Teorie per il calcolo dei coeff. di scambio di materia (fluido-fluido)
- Assorbimento con reazione chimica
- Fenomeni di Trasporto in moto Turbolento
Example problems
Radial Flow Between Two Parallel Disks (12/10/2016)
Newtonian fluid flow in a slightly tapered tube (21/10/2016)
Turbolent Boundary Layer, Entry Lenght, Brodkey), Table (21/11/2016)
Rotational rheometry problem, from "Rheological methods in food process engineering" Steffe, Parallel plate (problem, xls), Parallel plate (results, xls) (08/11/2016)